Курсы и программы

Программа 5 tribal fusion choreographies by Milana and Victoria Gorchakova

Программа 5 tribal fusion choreographies by Milana and Victoria Gorchakova
This program contains 5 tribal fusion choreographies from two teachers: "Booty Swing" and "Diamond Juke" by Milana, and "Dirty orchestra", "If I tell you I love you" and choreography for hands by Victoria Gorchakova.
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Tribal fusion choreography "Diamond Juke"

Tribal Fusion

Smooth and technical choreography in tribal fusion style

800 ₽
Tribal Fusion choreography for hands

Tribal Fusion

This training choreography helps you enlarge your dance vocabulary and improve your hands plastique

500 ₽
Tribal Fusion choreography "If I tell you I love you"

Tribal Fusion

500 ₽
Tribal Fusion choreography "Dirty Orchestra"

Tribal Fusion

700 ₽
Tribal Fusion choreography "Booty Swing"

Tribal Fusion

This fun swingish choreography will let you master the basic moves with a smile on your face

500 ₽